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Contact Georgetta "Gigi" Zybko at 816-718-8840 OR BlumoonYorkies@aol.com


Georgetta "GiGi" Zybko

I have been showing AKC Yorkies, Yorkshire Terriers since 1988, and still enjoy every moment of this wonderful breed. I am GiGi Zybko owner and breeder of Blumoon Yorkies. I belong to several kennel clubs: the Yorkshire Terrier Club LA, Yorkshire Terrier club GKC, Heart Of America KC, President of the Mo-Kan Toy club, and I am on the Board of the Jesse James KC. I believe anyone showing in conformation or obedience should belong and be active in their local Kennel clubs.

I was born and grew up in Chicago, Illinois and lived their until I was 25. At that time I moved. And now I live in Kansas City, Missouri. My Yorkies are used for breeding, only after careful consideration and selection to achieve maximum health, structure and temperament on my Yorkie puppies as well as my adult Yorkies. My goal is to improve each and every litter, maintaining my own personal integrity and reputation as a responsible Yorkie breeder.

When I was first introduced into this unknown world of AKC dog shows, I knew immediately this was something I wanted to pursue. Subsequently, and after a tremendous amount of hard work and research, I have shown and finished over 100 AKC Yorkie Champions during my 30 plus years - many of which have won at Yorkshire Terrier Specialties. I have also handled and Championed many Yorkies for others.

While my Yorkie puppies are not inexpensive, this is certainly not a money making venture for me. Showing Yorkies, Yorkshire Terriers is quite costly, and since nearly all of my Yorkie puppies are parented by AKC Champion Male Yorkies and AKC Champion Female Yorkies, I incur expenses that Back Yard and commercial breeders do not. There are many out there who breed indiscriminately and without regard to health, structure or AKC standards, just in order to make money. Please do not confuse me with those types of breeders! My ethics are such that I will only breed two Yorkies when I feel certain that their offspring will be healthy, beautiful Yorkie Puppies, giving me something to show for the conformation ring, as well as lovely Yorkies for pets.

You will find that Yorkshire Terrier show breeders are generally the best source for Yorkie puppies. Show breeders spend a vast amount of time on research striving for those perfect Yorkies. As well as being there for their pet buyers at all times for the entire life of the Yorkie. We as show breeders should be striving to breed to the Yorkshire Terrier Standard, so usually your best quality Yorkie puppies is from an experienced ethical Yorkie show breeder.

Please spend the time to research and find that special show breeder you feel good about and once you have found one let them know what your looking for size, temperament, type and gender wise in your Yorkie puppy. They are the ones who would be the most honest with you on what they will have available. And please remember when looking, there is NOT such a thing as a Teacup yorkie, micro mini Yorkie or any phrase concerning size. There is also not such a thing as a pure bred Parti-Yorkie. Even if it is registered with AKC. If they insist they do have them the best thing for them to do is PROVE it by doing BREED TYPE DNA testing. NOT just a regular DNA test on the parents but a generation test. Making sure this puppy is mirco chipped and it states the chip number on the results which has been sent in by a veterinarian with his signature, so they do not take in a different puppy. These days every puppy buyer should educate themselves. You can never be too careful!
Canine DNA Testing Site

Best Dog DNA Tests

PLEASE Make sure if you purchase a Yorkie and it does not abide to the AKC - YTCA standard that you do a HERITAGE DNA test before paying high prices for something that is possibly NOT a pure bred yorkie! This includes the so called Parti - Yorkies.
Canine Heritage Breed Test

I love this breed with every fiber of my being and have been involved with yorkies for over 40 years. They are my passion! I have devoted my life learning everything I can concerning them. My Yorkies receive the utmost in care, love and attention and are in my home!

Look around my site to view my Yorkie puppies, Male Yorkies, Female Yorkies, Current Yorkie Stars and Prior Yorkie Champions, as well as helpful Yorkie articles, information on Rare Yorkie Puppies, Teacup Yorkies, Looking for a Yorkie Breeder and Yorkie Health links that can be breed specific. And feel free to contact me with questions you might have about Yorkies, Yorkie puppies, or adult retiree Yorkies.

Capital City Cluster shows

At the Mo-Kan Toy Club dog show, part of the Capital City Cluster - Larry The Cable Guy and his crew came to film the dog show for his TV program "Only In America". Larry the Cable Guy showed Tart, Blumoon Just E-Nuff Sweet the little puppy in a ring with several other Blumoon Yorkies shown and owned by some of my longtime friends. We all shared in a lot of fun and great memories to be cherished among close friends! Pictured From Left to right: Judge Mr. Faulkner, Terry Stensland with Paris, Judy Colvin with Flirt, Larry The Cable Guy with Tart, GiGi Zybko with Viva, Debbie Hardison with Tizzy and in back Cathy Heiman with Cherry. Tart, Paris, Flirt, Viva, Tizzy and Cherry in picture with Larry All became AKC Champions!

Click Below to view

Gigi & Austin at Eukanuba Classic Dog Show

GiGi Zybko
Blumoon Yorkshire Terriers Reg'd.


I support Titer Testing! Click here to see why: https://supporttitertesting.com


Click here for Top Notch Toy Magazine Interview

Click on pictures above to view "Jade", CH Blumoon Green With Envy, featured in Local Newspaper and National Magazine advertisements.

Web site last updated on Februry 5, 2025

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Yorkie puppies, Yorkies, Yorkshire Terrier puppies, Beware Teacup yorkies, Chocolate yorkies, & Parti-yorkies.

Copyright 2006 ~ 2025. All Rights Reserved. Blumoon Yorkies & JLS Canine Services Web Design

I travel to dog shows all over the United States. Places I have been to include, the Toy Specialty /Yorkie Specialty in Los Angeles, California winning Winners bitch at the Toy show with Champion Blumoon Reality Check. I went to the Yorkie Specialties in Denver, Colorado several times, I LOVE Denver, once I won Winners Dog, with now Champion Blumoon Most Wanted and Best Of Breed with Champion Bon-Bon's Damien out of my Champion Blumoon Tuff Stuff while I was handling him.The National Yorkshire Terrier Specialty in Nashville, Tennessee a puppy out of my Tuffy won Grand Sweeps. I have also been to the National Yorkshire Terrier Specialty in New York several times. Just recently winning Reserve winners bitch with Blumoon Let The Bluchips Ride, over 70 Yorkie bitches competing, as well as showing the day before at the New York Kennel Club Specialties and her winning her 12-18 month class with over 15 bitches in it. My girl Champion Blumoon Critic's Choice won Winners bitch at the Yorkie Specialty in Minneapolis, Minnesota one year as well as Champion Blumoon First Issue and Champion Blumoon Rumor Has It, winning Grand Sweeps at those Specialties. When I went to the Specialty in Oklahoma, I won Best Junior in Sweeps a couple of times. I also showed in Louisville, Kentucky at their Yorkie Specialties winning Best In Sweeps with Champion Blumoon Calling All Angels and that morning at the all breed dog shows winning Winners Bitch with Champion Blumoon Above It All. Champion Blumoon Sweet Stuff won Winners bitch and Best of Winners in Detroit, Michigan at the Yorkie Specialty there and that weekend won again Winners bitch for 2 five point major's. Champion Blumoon Struttin' To The Music took second in her puppy class at the Yorkie Sweeps In Ohio. Some of my Yorkies have been shown by other's at Specialties, like in Dallas Texas, as well as in Florida. Most of my all breed shows I go to are near my home. Which include Iowa and Nebraska. The National yorkie Specialty has been in Missouri where I am from a couple of times. One of the times I won Winners bitch and Best Of Winners with Champion Blumoon Cute As A Button, and Open dog the other time with Champion Blumoon Night Hawk. My other wins at the Yorkie Specialties in Missouri include Winners dog with Champion Blumoon Sweet Revenge, Winners bitch with my 9 month young girl Champion Blumoon Green With Envy, Best Of Breed with Champion Blumoon Stage Struck, Grand Sweeps winner with Champion Blumoon Acquire The Fire. And last year here in Missouri at the yorkie Specialty I won Winners Bitch for a 5 point major with Blumoon South Of The Border. THe place I would love to visit still is Boston, Massachusetts. All in all I love going to Specialties meeting up with other breeders and seeing so many lovely adult Yorkies and Yorkie puppies!